The Holocaust Story and Imprisonment of David Irving
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
N- O- D
2007-11-28 18:12:10 UTC
The bottom line is. It is the Jews who decide what we have to believe.
Almost every the holocaust is in question a whole new serious of hate
propaganda will follow. And anyone who dares to ask serious question will be
their next target. We have seen many versions of histories in the past but
none have ever been so intimidating other for taking the liberty I
exercising their democratic right in questioning the holocaust.
Kurt Knoll.
This article sums it up very well.
by James Buchanan
Most Americans don't know very much about the Holocaust. They were
taught it as fact in school. They see Hollywood coming out with a new
Holocaust movie or documentary every couple years. But every few
months they hear something on the news about historians who dispute
it. The latest historian to make news is David Irving, who has been
locked up in Austria for disputing the state-approved version of the
Holocaust story.
Why is the Holocaust so important to some people? Let's say the
Germans merely removed the Jews from positions of political power and
banned them from the legal profession. Germany went from devastating
economic poverty in 1932 to full employment just a couple years later.
If an incredible economic improvement can be achieved, merely by
removing the Jews from power (and replacing them with patriotic
nationalists), then every Gentile nation in the world should give this
a try.
Obviously the Jews don't want anyone else getting the idea of removing
them to create prosperity. The Jews control the mass media in most
Western countries. Most people don't know about the Balfour
Declaration. During World War One, Zionist Jews offered to use their
control of the press to bring America into World War One if Britain
would promise them Palestine. This offer was dubbed the Balfour
Declaration. If the Jews had enough media control and influence to
push America into World War One in 1917, what else have they done with
their power?
It was a huge embarrassment for the Jews to see Germany so prosperous
in the mid-1930s after removing them from power. They considered this
a dangerous precedent. To deal with this "problem" the Jewish World
Congress declared war on Germany in 1933. This declaration of war at
least encouraged a world-wide boycott against Germany and at worst
encouraged other nations of the world to become hostile toward
Germany. (The Jews curiously sanctioned the Germans before the Germans
passed any laws restricting the Jews.) More importantly the Jews
pushed vicious anti-German slander in all the Jewish-owned newspapers
in the West in the years leading up to World War Two. The Communist
mass murder of 30 million people in Russia and the Ukraine received
almost no publicity in the Jewish media. Most people in the West only
heard a serious mention of these Communist mass murders beginning in
the 1980s. Instead, the Jewish media focused all their hatred and
agitation against Germany and its allies.
After six years of relentless agitation, the Jews pushed England and
France into war with Germany. Only two years later, FDR and his cabal
of Jews provoked a war with Japan (and Germany).
Naturally, the Jews did not want future historians to say: "World War
Two was provoked by the Jewish media in retaliation for Germany
removing the Jews from power." The Jews needed a new reason for World
War Two. A reason that painted their enemies as unquestionably evil.
So they invented the Holocaust.
The Holocaust stood mostly unchallenged for decades after the war
because people feared being branded "Nazi-sympathizers" for
questioning its details. The truth always comes out in the long run.
Professor Arthur Butz published his famous work "The Hoax of the 20th
Century" in 1977 detailing a very solid argument against this war
propaganda. Dr. Butz pointed out that the world population of Jews
remained at about 16 million before and after the war. He also noted
that half a million Jews remained in Paris after four years of German
occupation. Both these facts strongly suggest the Holocaust is a
fraud, but the political power of the Jews has suppressed and punished
any public questioning of the Holocaust to this day. David Irving
joined the ranks of Revisionist historians several years ago and went
from a famous successful author to a pariah thanks to persecution by
the Jews.
The Institute for Historical Review has done great work exposing the
Holocaust as a great historical fraud. Anyone interested in looking
for historical truth should visit their website. It's a shock for many
people to see how much propaganda we've been force fed.
Youre a poor deluded fool, your explanation of the jews causing both the
german war and the japanees war would be funny if it weren't for the
fact so many people died in this event - Youre a sick puppy or youre as
thick as pig shit to believe any of this tripe.
The bottom line is that all of us should be involved in our futures to
create a world that our children will want to live in. - Harry Chapin
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!

Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.
Kurt Knoll
2007-11-28 18:42:38 UTC
Post by N- O- D
The bottom line is. It is the Jews who decide what we have to believe.
Almost every the holocaust is in question a whole new serious of hate
propaganda will follow. And anyone who dares to ask serious question will be
their next target. We have seen many versions of histories in the past but
none have ever been so intimidating other for taking the liberty I
exercising their democratic right in questioning the holocaust.
Kurt Knoll.
This article sums it up very well.
by James Buchanan
Most Americans don't know very much about the Holocaust. They were
taught it as fact in school. They see Hollywood coming out with a new
Holocaust movie or documentary every couple years. But every few
months they hear something on the news about historians who dispute
it. The latest historian to make news is David Irving, who has been
locked up in Austria for disputing the state-approved version of the
Holocaust story.
Why is the Holocaust so important to some people? Let's say the
Germans merely removed the Jews from positions of political power and
banned them from the legal profession. Germany went from devastating
economic poverty in 1932 to full employment just a couple years later.
If an incredible economic improvement can be achieved, merely by
removing the Jews from power (and replacing them with patriotic
nationalists), then every Gentile nation in the world should give this
a try.
Obviously the Jews don't want anyone else getting the idea of removing
them to create prosperity. The Jews control the mass media in most
Western countries. Most people don't know about the Balfour
Declaration. During World War One, Zionist Jews offered to use their
control of the press to bring America into World War One if Britain
would promise them Palestine. This offer was dubbed the Balfour
Declaration. If the Jews had enough media control and influence to
push America into World War One in 1917, what else have they done with
their power?
It was a huge embarrassment for the Jews to see Germany so prosperous
in the mid-1930s after removing them from power. They considered this
a dangerous precedent. To deal with this "problem" the Jewish World
Congress declared war on Germany in 1933. This declaration of war at
least encouraged a world-wide boycott against Germany and at worst
encouraged other nations of the world to become hostile toward
Germany. (The Jews curiously sanctioned the Germans before the Germans
passed any laws restricting the Jews.) More importantly the Jews
pushed vicious anti-German slander in all the Jewish-owned newspapers
in the West in the years leading up to World War Two. The Communist
mass murder of 30 million people in Russia and the Ukraine received
almost no publicity in the Jewish media. Most people in the West only
heard a serious mention of these Communist mass murders beginning in
the 1980s. Instead, the Jewish media focused all their hatred and
agitation against Germany and its allies.
After six years of relentless agitation, the Jews pushed England and
France into war with Germany. Only two years later, FDR and his cabal
of Jews provoked a war with Japan (and Germany).
Naturally, the Jews did not want future historians to say: "World War
Two was provoked by the Jewish media in retaliation for Germany
removing the Jews from power." The Jews needed a new reason for World
War Two. A reason that painted their enemies as unquestionably evil.
So they invented the Holocaust.
The Holocaust stood mostly unchallenged for decades after the war
because people feared being branded "Nazi-sympathizers" for
questioning its details. The truth always comes out in the long run.
Professor Arthur Butz published his famous work "The Hoax of the 20th
Century" in 1977 detailing a very solid argument against this war
propaganda. Dr. Butz pointed out that the world population of Jews
remained at about 16 million before and after the war. He also noted
that half a million Jews remained in Paris after four years of German
occupation. Both these facts strongly suggest the Holocaust is a
fraud, but the political power of the Jews has suppressed and punished
any public questioning of the Holocaust to this day. David Irving
joined the ranks of Revisionist historians several years ago and went
from a famous successful author to a pariah thanks to persecution by
the Jews.
The Institute for Historical Review has done great work exposing the
Holocaust as a great historical fraud. Anyone interested in looking
for historical truth should visit their website. It's a shock for many
people to see how much propaganda we've been force fed.
Youre a poor deluded fool, your explanation of the jews causing both the
german war and the japanees war would be funny if it weren't for the
fact so many people died in this event - Youre a sick puppy or youre as
thick as pig shit to believe any of this tripe.
The bottom line is that all of us should be involved in our futures to
create a world that our children will want to live in. - Harry Chapin
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!
Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.
Meine frage daher ist. Warum sind die Juden gegen Redefreiheit und warum
zwingen sie andere ihnen zu glauben. Mir kommt dieses richtig verdächtig

Kurt Knoll.
Norbert Müller
2007-11-28 19:07:51 UTC
Kurt Knoll schrieb:

Dass ihm Kenneth ganz schön in die Eier getreten hat, und das über so viele
Gruppen - lies einmal über Crosspostings nach, du Nullerl von einem Idioten.

mfg, NM

In article <K6i3j.61120$***@pd7urf1no>,
Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
The bottom line is. It is the Jews who decide what we have to believe.
And yet, Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll does not believe what "the
Jews" believe.
This bizarre contradiction would doubtless perplex Herr Knoll, if he had a
Almost every the holocaust is in question a whole new serious of hate
propaganda will follow. And anyone who dares to ask serious question will be
their next target. We have seen many versions of histories in the past but
none have ever been so intimidating other for taking the liberty I
exercising their democratic right in questioning the holocaust.
Here is the Intellectual Core of Holocaust Denial, as expressed by
the Master himself:

23 Statements Qualifying Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and the Intellectual Giant of Holocaust Denial
as a complete ignoramus:

1. "Go and read what Professor Faurisson has to say about dissecting the
Holocaust. Could it be this was the reason why he was Assassinated
twice." <***@binaries.vphos.net, Mar. 18, 2002>

2. "Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail Bu you people
did hang him after that." <XJmWi.167371$***@pd7urf3no, Nov. 1,

3. "No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"

4. "No wonder years after the war was over he found some more
diaries of Ann Frank and she did not know about it."

5. "By refinishion you i mean you on their side definetly you
opinons are."

6. "People want to know all the facts whatever they are true
or not."

7. "We all know it but they will have us believe they have
absolutely no influence on governments. Not believing it
would be anti emetic."

8. "Rumours also has it the letter was written on an unknown
typewriter in about 1950 but the letter was send to the state
department about in 1940."

9. "Listen guy. Your holocuast industries is clear. For
another trik and I'll hold my scrotum in my mouth for as
long as it taks."

10. "If the holocaust critics are stupid it is because Jews
are at times outright corrupt. What is it really you do want
them to believe."

11. "Well the con you documents a single that I originated.
Give me the date of the posting and the title."
<QCoYi.187911$***@pd7urf3no> Nov. 7, 2007

12. "Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against you."

13. "I am not stressed out since I can analyze your holohoax
in my urine."

14. "When I wend and stuck my penis in my ear, I know that I am right!"

15. "How do you do fact finding if you do not want to know anything."
<pAnZi.196469$***@pd7urf1no> Nov. 10, 2007

16. "Looking who things proceed today is no longer what is right
or wrong but one side are you on."

17. "Perhaps if you could tell the truth others would not as all the

18. "Hey Tony will there ever be a time when you can reply in
blain English." <rv3_i.204625$***@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 12, 2007

19. "No, the holocaust is not about history it is about a Ukrainian

20. "What's now as a cut and con artist you can not supply a honest posting
showing the time and day including the heating of the posting so I can
it out a Google. <Jzw_i.208780$***@pd7urf2no>,

21. "Studying the area is alright me questing therefore is studied by whom."
<KDx%i.4499$***@pd7urf3no> Nov. 17, 2007

22. "You are calling other that ask questions about the holocaust
I suggest you take a very good look at yourself. What you have is false
and nothing else." <i7a2j.42234$***@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 25, 2007

23. "No Tony the procedure used by you holohoaxers has always be the same.
And this is search and destruct anyone that is in your hollow way."
<RDG2j.51805$***@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 26, 2007

'I fully accept this, it's a fact. The discussion on Auschwitz, the gas
chambers and the Holocaust is finished ... it's useless to dispute it'.
(David Irving on Holocaust denial, as quoted by his Austrian lawyer)
The Nizkor Project: http://www.nizkor.org/
Kurt Knoll
2007-11-28 19:40:52 UTC
Hört sich ganz interessant an. Wieviel davon entspricht der Wahrheit und
welcher teil ist und welcher teil ist Übertreibung. Ob du nun deinen echten
nahmen verwendest iß noch sehr fraglich.. Kennth McVay ist ein meister
Lügner und verdrehter. Was er macht oder sagt Macht nur für Geld denn er
wird Ja von der Holocaust Industrie dafür bezahlt.

Kurt Knoll.
Post by Norbert Müller
Dass ihm Kenneth ganz schön in die Eier getreten hat, und das über so
viele Gruppen - lies einmal über Crosspostings nach, du Nullerl von einem
mfg, NM
Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
The bottom line is. It is the Jews who decide what we have to believe.
And yet, Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll does not believe what "the
Jews" believe.
This bizarre contradiction would doubtless perplex Herr Knoll, if he had a
Almost every the holocaust is in question a whole new serious of hate
propaganda will follow. And anyone who dares to ask serious question will be
their next target. We have seen many versions of histories in the past but
none have ever been so intimidating other for taking the liberty I
exercising their democratic right in questioning the holocaust.
Here is the Intellectual Core of Holocaust Denial, as expressed by
23 Statements Qualifying Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and the Intellectual Giant of Holocaust Denial
1. "Go and read what Professor Faurisson has to say about dissecting the
Holocaust. Could it be this was the reason why he was Assassinated
2. "Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail Bu you people
3. "No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"
4. "No wonder years after the war was over he found some more
diaries of Ann Frank and she did not know about it."
5. "By refinishion you i mean you on their side definetly you
opinons are."
6. "People want to know all the facts whatever they are true
or not."
7. "We all know it but they will have us believe they have
absolutely no influence on governments. Not believing it
would be anti emetic."
8. "Rumours also has it the letter was written on an unknown
typewriter in about 1950 but the letter was send to the state
department about in 1940."
9. "Listen guy. Your holocuast industries is clear. For
another trik and I'll hold my scrotum in my mouth for as
long as it taks."
10. "If the holocaust critics are stupid it is because Jews
are at times outright corrupt. What is it really you do want
them to believe."
11. "Well the con you documents a single that I originated.
Give me the date of the posting and the title."
12. "Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against you."
13. "I am not stressed out since I can analyze your holohoax
in my urine."
14. "When I wend and stuck my penis in my ear, I know that I am right!"
15. "How do you do fact finding if you do not want to know anything."
16. "Looking who things proceed today is no longer what is right
or wrong but one side are you on."
17. "Perhaps if you could tell the truth others would not as all the
18. "Hey Tony will there ever be a time when you can reply in
19. "No, the holocaust is not about history it is about a Ukrainian
20. "What's now as a cut and con artist you can not supply a honest posting
showing the time and day including the heating of the posting so I can
21. "Studying the area is alright me questing therefore is studied by whom."
22. "You are calling other that ask questions about the holocaust
I suggest you take a very good look at yourself. What you have is false
23. "No Tony the procedure used by you holohoaxers has always be the same.
And this is search and destruct anyone that is in your hollow way."
'I fully accept this, it's a fact. The discussion on Auschwitz, the gas
chambers and the Holocaust is finished ... it's useless to dispute it'.
(David Irving on Holocaust denial, as quoted by his Austrian lawyer)
The Nizkor Project: http://www.nizkor.org/
Norbert Müller
2007-11-28 20:04:57 UTC
Von welcher Vereinigung wirst du für deinen Schwachsinn bezahlt, Knoellchen?

mfg, NM
Post by Kurt Knoll
Hört sich ganz interessant an. Wieviel davon entspricht der Wahrheit
und welcher teil ist und welcher teil ist Übertreibung. Ob du nun
deinen echten nahmen verwendest iß noch sehr fraglich.. Kennth McVay
ist ein meister Lügner und verdrehter. Was er macht oder sagt Macht
nur für Geld denn er wird Ja von der Holocaust Industrie dafür
Kurt Knoll.
Post by Norbert Müller
Dass ihm Kenneth ganz schön in die Eier getreten hat, und das über so
viele Gruppen - lies einmal über Crosspostings nach, du Nullerl von
einem Idioten.
mfg, NM
Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
The bottom line is. It is the Jews who decide what we have to
And yet, Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll does not believe
what "the Jews" believe.
This bizarre contradiction would doubtless perplex Herr Knoll, if he
had a brain.
Almost every the holocaust is in question a whole new serious of hate
propaganda will follow. And anyone who dares to ask serious question will be
their next target. We have seen many versions of histories in the
past but none have ever been so intimidating other for taking the
liberty I exercising their democratic right in questioning the
Here is the Intellectual Core of Holocaust Denial, as expressed by
23 Statements Qualifying Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and the Intellectual Giant of Holocaust Denial
1. "Go and read what Professor Faurisson has to say about dissecting
the Holocaust. Could it be this was the reason why he was
2. "Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail Bu you
people did hang him after that."
3. "No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"
4. "No wonder years after the war was over he found some more
diaries of Ann Frank and she did not know about it."
5. "By refinishion you i mean you on their side definetly you
opinons are."
6. "People want to know all the facts whatever they are true
or not."
7. "We all know it but they will have us believe they have
absolutely no influence on governments. Not believing it
would be anti emetic."
8. "Rumours also has it the letter was written on an unknown
typewriter in about 1950 but the letter was send to the state
department about in 1940."
9. "Listen guy. Your holocuast industries is clear. For
another trik and I'll hold my scrotum in my mouth for as
long as it taks."
10. "If the holocaust critics are stupid it is because Jews
are at times outright corrupt. What is it really you do want
them to believe."
11. "Well the con you documents a single that I originated.
Give me the date of the posting and the title."
12. "Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against you."
13. "I am not stressed out since I can analyze your holohoax
in my urine."
14. "When I wend and stuck my penis in my ear, I know that I am right!"
15. "How do you do fact finding if you do not want to know anything."
16. "Looking who things proceed today is no longer what is right
or wrong but one side are you on."
17. "Perhaps if you could tell the truth others would not as all the
18. "Hey Tony will there ever be a time when you can reply in
19. "No, the holocaust is not about history it is about a Ukrainian
20. "What's now as a cut and con artist you can not supply a honest posting
showing the time and day including the heating of the posting so
I can check
21. "Studying the area is alright me questing therefore is studied by whom."
22. "You are calling other that ask questions about the holocaust
I suggest you take a very good look at yourself. What you have is
false bride
23. "No Tony the procedure used by you holohoaxers has always be the
same. And this is search and destruct anyone that is in your
'I fully accept this, it's a fact. The discussion on Auschwitz, the
gas chambers and the Holocaust is finished ... it's useless to
dispute it'. (David Irving on Holocaust denial, as quoted by his
Kurt Knoll
2007-11-28 21:46:54 UTC
Welchen Schwachsinn ich Rede von Kenneth McVay. Du Rindviech ich bin während
des Krieges auf gewaschen und habe alles mitgemacht. Du frißt nur das was
dir eingetrichtert wurde. Historische Tatsachen können nicht von einer Seite
bestimmt werden den es gibt immer Zeit seiten Was ist denn der Grund wen es
den deutsch Nicht erlaubt ist den Holocaust in alle Öffentlichkeit zu
diskutieren. Als zu der Multi Diskussion Gruppen kann ich nur sagen das die
Original Gruppen angaben Nicht von mir stammen Die Gruppe alt.rvisonism und
de.soc.politik.misc wurde nicht von mir abgeschnitten sondern von jemand
anders. Und mir ist dieser Grund ganz klar.

Kurt Knoll.
Post by Norbert Müller
Von welcher Vereinigung wirst du für deinen Schwachsinn bezahlt, Knoellchen?
mfg, NM
Post by Kurt Knoll
Hört sich ganz interessant an. Wieviel davon entspricht der Wahrheit
und welcher teil ist und welcher teil ist Übertreibung. Ob du nun
deinen echten nahmen verwendest iß noch sehr fraglich.. Kennth McVay
ist ein meister Lügner und verdrehter. Was er macht oder sagt Macht
nur für Geld denn er wird Ja von der Holocaust Industrie dafür
Kurt Knoll.
Post by Norbert Müller
Dass ihm Kenneth ganz schön in die Eier getreten hat, und das über so
viele Gruppen - lies einmal über Crosspostings nach, du Nullerl von
einem Idioten.
mfg, NM
Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
The bottom line is. It is the Jews who decide what we have to believe.
And yet, Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll does not believe
what "the Jews" believe.
This bizarre contradiction would doubtless perplex Herr Knoll, if he
had a brain.
Almost every the holocaust is in question a whole new serious of hate
propaganda will follow. And anyone who dares to ask serious question will be
their next target. We have seen many versions of histories in the
past but none have ever been so intimidating other for taking the
liberty I exercising their democratic right in questioning the
Here is the Intellectual Core of Holocaust Denial, as expressed by
23 Statements Qualifying Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and the Intellectual Giant of Holocaust Denial
1. "Go and read what Professor Faurisson has to say about dissecting
the Holocaust. Could it be this was the reason why he was
2. "Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail Bu you
people did hang him after that."
3. "No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"
4. "No wonder years after the war was over he found some more
diaries of Ann Frank and she did not know about it."
5. "By refinishion you i mean you on their side definetly you
opinons are."
6. "People want to know all the facts whatever they are true
or not."
7. "We all know it but they will have us believe they have
absolutely no influence on governments. Not believing it
would be anti emetic."
8. "Rumours also has it the letter was written on an unknown
typewriter in about 1950 but the letter was send to the state
department about in 1940."
9. "Listen guy. Your holocuast industries is clear. For
another trik and I'll hold my scrotum in my mouth for as
long as it taks."
10. "If the holocaust critics are stupid it is because Jews
are at times outright corrupt. What is it really you do want
them to believe."
11. "Well the con you documents a single that I originated.
Give me the date of the posting and the title."
12. "Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against you."
13. "I am not stressed out since I can analyze your holohoax
in my urine."
14. "When I wend and stuck my penis in my ear, I know that I am right!"
15. "How do you do fact finding if you do not want to know anything."
16. "Looking who things proceed today is no longer what is right
or wrong but one side are you on."
17. "Perhaps if you could tell the truth others would not as all the
18. "Hey Tony will there ever be a time when you can reply in
19. "No, the holocaust is not about history it is about a Ukrainian
20. "What's now as a cut and con artist you can not supply a honest posting
showing the time and day including the heating of the posting so
I can check
21. "Studying the area is alright me questing therefore is studied by whom."
22. "You are calling other that ask questions about the holocaust
I suggest you take a very good look at yourself. What you have is
false bride
23. "No Tony the procedure used by you holohoaxers has always be the
same. And this is search and destruct anyone that is in your
'I fully accept this, it's a fact. The discussion on Auschwitz, the
gas chambers and the Holocaust is finished ... it's useless to
dispute it'. (David Irving on Holocaust denial, as quoted by his
Austrian lawyer) The Nizkor Project: http://www.nizkor.org/
Kenneth McVay OBC
2007-11-28 22:32:35 UTC
Post by Kurt Knoll
Hört sich ganz interessant an. Wieviel davon entspricht der Wahrheit und
welcher teil ist und welcher teil ist Übertreibung. Ob du nun deinen echten
nahmen verwendest iß noch sehr fraglich.. Kennth McVay ist ein meister
Lügner und verdrehter. Was er macht oder sagt Macht nur für Geld denn er
wird Ja von der Holocaust Industrie dafür bezahlt.
And yet poor Leading Revisionist Scholar Kurt Knoll has never been able to
document a single lie from the "meister L\xfcgner und verdrehter."

Isn't that strange? The Intellectual Guiding Light Of Holocaust Denial, the
very man who produced the wit and wisdom included below, cannot back up his
mouth with facts.

(His tribe is really, REALLY stupid.)

23 Statements Qualifying Kurt Knoll, the Village Idiot
of Kitimat and the Intellectual Giant of Holocaust Denial
as a complete ignoramus:

1. "Go and read what Professor Faurisson has to say about dissecting the
Holocaust. Could it be this was the reason why he was Assassinated
twice." <***@binaries.vphos.net, Mar. 18, 2002>

2. "Streicher commit suicide while in the Nuremberg Jail Bu you people
did hang him after that." <XJmWi.167371$***@pd7urf3no, Nov. 1,

3. "No, I myself am not anti-Semitic, I just don't like Jews!"

4. "No wonder years after the war was over he found some more
diaries of Ann Frank and she did not know about it."

5. "By refinishion you i mean you on their side definetly you
opinons are."

6. "People want to know all the facts whatever they are true
or not."

7. "We all know it but they will have us believe they have
absolutely no influence on governments. Not believing it
would be anti emetic."

8. "Rumours also has it the letter was written on an unknown
typewriter in about 1950 but the letter was send to the state
department about in 1940."

9. "Listen guy. Your holocuast industries is clear. For
another trik and I'll hold my scrotum in my mouth for as
long as it taks."

10. "If the holocaust critics are stupid it is because Jews
are at times outright corrupt. What is it really you do want
them to believe."

11. "Well the con you documents a single that I originated.
Give me the date of the posting and the title."
<QCoYi.187911$***@pd7urf3no> Nov. 7, 2007

12. "Since all you knowledge is coming out of your holocaust
Fairydale book I will not your naivety holding against you."

13. "I am not stressed out since I can analyze your holohoax
in my urine."

14. "When I wend and stuck my penis in my ear, I know that I am right!"

15. "How do you do fact finding if you do not want to know anything."
<pAnZi.196469$***@pd7urf1no> Nov. 10, 2007

16. "Looking who things proceed today is no longer what is right
or wrong but one side are you on."

17. "Perhaps if you could tell the truth others would not as all the questions."

18. "Hey Tony will there ever be a time when you can reply in
blain English." <rv3_i.204625$***@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 12, 2007

19. "No, the holocaust is not about history it is about a Ukrainian Sausage!"

20. "What's now as a cut and con artist you can not supply a honest posting
showing the time and day including the heating of the posting so I can check
it out a Google. <Jzw_i.208780$***@pd7urf2no>,

21. "Studying the area is alright me questing therefore is studied by whom."
<KDx%i.4499$***@pd7urf3no> Nov. 17, 2007

22. "You are calling other that ask questions about the holocaust despicable.
I suggest you take a very good look at yourself. What you have is false bride
and nothing else." <i7a2j.42234$***@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 25, 2007

23. "No Tony the procedure used by you holohoaxers has always be the same.
And this is search and destruct anyone that is in your hollow way."
<RDG2j.51805$***@pd7urf2no>, Nov. 26, 2007
"You Jewish witches sure are a crazy ditzy bunch of swine!"
(Scott Bradbury, the Leading Revisionist Scholar of
Bellville, Texas)
The Nizkor Project: http://www.nizkor.org/