Ernst Zundel's Facts: Nazi UFO Base in Antarctic :-)
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
N- O- D
2007-11-27 09:19:38 UTC
Same with me and I do have also Jewish friend that are not as
insulting like the bunch around here. I am here because of the
insulting started by them. I did post how German prisoners of ware
were misused by the French on the Normandy coast. And therefore
became an instant Nazi. Definitely they want us only to listening
what they say or write no questions asked.
I know any number of Jews, and NOT ONE of them carries on such as
these arseholes do here. NOT ONE.
I'll just bet some of your best friends are Jews, right Ben?
I predicted that type of childish response.
They are colleagues and acquaintences. They are also friendly. But as far as
being "best friends" is concerned - No.
Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time
Visit the Holocaust History Project
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!

Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.
N- O- D
2007-11-27 09:19:50 UTC
You are absolutely right. There is an old saying the more you
stir around in shit the more it will stink. Little do they know
how harmful they are to themselves.
Some of the smarter jews are well aware of the damage being done
by these clowns.
I would never have taken up posting if it hadn't been for people
such as jacobsOn, wolk, goldman, mcFee, salzman et al. I am a
creation of their own vindictiveness.
Not at all, old feller. It's EXACTLY because of you turds I decided
to delve a little deeper into the murk and slime that is the stinky
yid (and their Holocaust(tm)) to see what you and they are so
damnably keen to protect from scrutiny.
Really? Then repost the articles that lead to that.
If you're so terribly interested, might I suggest you find them yourself.
You lot are dreadfully clever at locating posts in the dim recesses of
Google when it suits your nefarious agenda.
I've made this very same claim on any number of occasions in the
past, and if you'd care to check the google archives, back to when I
commenced posting, you'd be able to identify the truth in this
Hardly. You change your name every 15 minutes. I have no intention of
spending hours farting around in Google. But since it is so important
to you, post the Message-ID of *one* post of mine that drove you to be a
Look for your posts containing the term "denier filth."
You really must learn to accept the consequences of your actions, old
chap. It's the mature, honest and decent thing to do.
Read above and try it yourself.
Que? Now who's being childish?
I know you won't.
You know bugger all.
Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time
Visit the Holocaust History Project
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!

Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.
N- O- D
2007-11-27 09:20:02 UTC
You are absolutely right. There is an old saying the more you stir
around in shit the more it will stink. Little do they know how harmful
they are to themselves.
Some of the smarter jews are well aware of the damage being done by
these clowns.
I would never have taken up posting if it hadn't been for people such
as jacobsOn, wolk, goldman, mcFee, salzman et al. I am a creation of
their own vindictiveness.
You know, this is the kind of buck-passing crap I'd expect from a
7-year-old. "I didn't mean to do it, he MADE me do it!"
I know. It's pathetic.
I suppose it's just part of the complete Cramer meltdown that he is now
trying to blame you and me for his complete failure as a human being.
He has to blame someone.
What "blame" you silly old toss? It was a statement of fact.
I've never seen such an incredible tilt before.
Laugh all you like, old feller, but it seems to myself that it's you and the
fat slag who are in damage control.
Gord McFee
I'll write no line before its time
Visit the Holocaust History Project
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!

Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.
N- O- D
2007-11-27 09:20:14 UTC
I am perplexed Sara. Are you part of this Gang Bang.
Kurt Knoll.
"When I was very much younger, a band I was in played the
Horst Wessel lied at the Concordia club in Mt. Isa" -- posted
("Horst Wessel Lied" was the anthem of the Nazi Party).
Did we also "make you" play the "Horst Wessel Lied", you
old nazi freak?
You know, having seen this quote a number of times now, it suddenly
strikes me that Cramer's playing the Horst Wessel song is a lot like
David Irving's asking for a copy of "Mein Kampf" when he won some
contest in grammar school.
I can't think of two more odious beings -- they absolutely deserve each
That you are perplexed, Top-Posting Moron, is no surprise to anyone.
That you apparently have some sexual fantasies about me is disturbing.
You'll have to find someone else for your "gang bang" fantasy. I'm not
How the fuck did you draw these conclusions from what was posted, you
foolish person? How does the head of a yiddess work?
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!

Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.
N- O- D
2007-11-27 09:20:26 UTC
"When I was very much younger, a band I was in played the
Horst Wessel lied at the Concordia club in Mt. Isa" -- posted
("Horst Wessel Lied" was the anthem of the Nazi Party).
Did we also "make you" play the "Horst Wessel Lied", you
old nazi freak?
You know, having seen this quote a number of times now, it suddenly
strikes me that Cramer's playing the Horst Wessel song is a lot like David
Irving's asking for a copy of "Mein Kampf" when he won some contest in
grammar school.
How so, fat slag? Do please elaborate.
I can't think of two more odious beings --
Of course you can't. And it really pisses you that we can't be silenced.
they absolutely deserve each other.
Thank you. A compliment from the fat slag already.
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!

Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.
N- O- D
2007-11-28 09:25:00 UTC
You are absolutely right. There is an old saying the more
you stir around in shit the more it will stink. Little do
they know how harmful they are to themselves.
Some of the smarter jews are well aware of the damage being
done by these clowns.
I would never have taken up posting if it hadn't been for
people such as jacobsOn, wolk, goldman, mcFee, salzman et al.
I am a creation of their own vindictiveness.
Not at all, old feller. It's EXACTLY because of you turds I
decided to delve a little deeper into the murk and slime that is
the stinky yid (and their Holocaust(tm)) to see what you and
they are so damnably keen to protect from scrutiny.
Really? Then repost the articles that lead to that.
If you're so terribly interested, might I suggest you find them
yourself. You lot are dreadfully clever at locating posts in the dim
recesses of Google when it suits your nefarious agenda.
Busted. I knew you would say that, set you up, and of course, you fell
for it. You can't post what doesn't exist, so keep on running, Ben.
Listen up, stupid.
The post exist.
You want them, you find them. I couldn't be arsed doing your legwork for
I've made this very same claim on any number of occasions in the past,
and if you'd care to check the google archives, back to
when I commenced posting, you'd be able to identify the truth in
this statement.
Hardly. You change your name every 15 minutes. I have no
intention of spending hours farting around in Google. But since it
is so important to you, post the Message-ID of *one* post of mine
that drove you to be a denier.
Look for your posts containing the term "denier filth."
Keep running.
Look for your posts containing the term "denier filth" old feller. All will
then be revealed.
You really must learn to accept the consequences of your actions,
old chap. It's the mature, honest and decent thing to do.
Read above and try it yourself.
Que? Now who's being childish?
You, but that's par for the course.
I know you won't.
You know bugger all.
I was right about this.
You've not been right in any of the shite you and the fat slag spray.
Demokratie braucht und lebt durch Opposition!
Deshalb ein klares "Ja" zur "Nationalen" Opposition!

Rechts der Mitte befindet sich eine gähnende Leere
die ausgefüllt werden muss, damit Deutschland überlebt.