M I.5 P ersecution who k nows a bout i t?
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2008-01-01 11:41:29 UTC
-= who. knows about it? =-

Many people know, both in the establishment. and media, and among the
general public. Despite an. absence of its target from the UK for more than
two years, the echoes of paranoia can still be heard loud and. clear from
across the water.. When it started in 1990, the only people who knew were
those in BBC television who were spying on my home, and a few. radio
broadcasters. There were a few cases of public. harassment, but very little
compared to. the situation that developed a couple of years later.

The list today includes BBC TV. staff (newsreaders such as Martyn Lewis,
Michael. Buerk, Nicholas Witchell), people from radio stations such as
Chris Tarrant of Capital and Radio 1 DJs,. people in the print media, but
also many people in the general public. All. united in a conspiracy which
breaks the laws which the UK. does have regarding harassment, and all
completely uncaring for any semblance of decency or elementary. respect
for. individual rights.

The British police (obviously) do know the nature of the harassment and. in
all probability the identity of those behind it. Some time ago I made. a
complaint to my local police station in London, without positive. result.
The UK police are failing in their duty to see the. law enforced in not
checking the. abuse.

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| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| -= who. knows about it? =-
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| Many people know, both in the establishment. and media, and among the
| general public. Despite an. absence of its target from the UK for more than
| two years, the echoes of paranoia can still be heard loud and. clear from
| across the water.. When it started in 1990, the only people who knew were
| those in BBC television who were spying on my home, and a few. radio
| broadcasters. There were a few cases of public. harassment, but very little
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